Under the Spell of PISA: The Art and Science of Assessment

Under the Spell of PISA: The Art and Science of Assessment

The talk will take the audience through the complex history of the development of PISA, highlighting how it has become a key tool for influencing global governance of education. It will delve into the many facets of PISA, shedding light on how it goes beyond a mere assessment tool to become a global communication product. The presentation will explore the complexity of the policy advice that comes from PISA results and reveal the profound impact it has on shaping education policy at the global level. The presenters will bring a unique perspective to the debate, focusing on PISA and its implications for higher education policy. Li Aisi's insights will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of how the PISA surveys not only affect primary and secondary education, but also extend their impact to the field of higher education policy.


  • Aisi Li , Assistant Professor, Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, PISA expert
  • János Setényi, MCC Learning Institute, director, educational expert
  • Moderator: Enikő Szakos, MCC Learning Institute, educational expert

The event will be in English, without interpretation.

All who interested are welcome!

Date: 20th February 2024 (Thuesday)  17:00-18:30
Location: Scruton MCC 1113 Budapest, Tas vezér u. 3-7.