“Indonesia Rising: Transforming Foreign Policy, Economic Growth, and Business Innovation”

“Indonesia Rising: Transforming Foreign Policy, Economic Growth, and Business Innovation”

Conference Title: “Indonesia Rising: Transforming Foreign Policy, Economic Growth, and Business Innovation”

Organized by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (Center for International Economy)

This conference will assess the transformation of the Indonesian economy and the country itself over the past ten years. It will not only discuss the current state of Indonesia’s social and economic conditions but will also explore Indonesia's future role in the global economy. While the primary focus will be on the Indonesian economy and its development, the conference will place Indonesia’s economic development in a global context and analyze how an emerging middle power can influence larger trends in Southeast Asia. Particular emphasis will be given to Indonesia’s changing role in global supply chains, the growing role of the state in developing Indonesia’s economy, and the challenges facing a developing country.

The conference addresses the following broad questions:

  • Will Indonesia become the preeminent economic force in Southeast Asia?
  • Can Indonesia bridge the gap and compete with both Western economies and China?
  • How does Indonesia navigate its complex relationships with Asia’s economic powerhouse, China, and the dominant global superpower, the United States?

Conference: “Indonesia Rising: Transforming Foreign Policy, Economic Growth, and Business Innovation”


September 16, 2024

Organized by Mathias Corvinus Collegium

Venue: Tas vezér street 3-7, 1113, Budapest, MCC Scruton


9.00–9.15 a.m.

Opening Speeches:

Zoltán Szalai (Director General, MCC)

H.E. A.H. Dimas Wahab (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Hungary)


9.15–9.45 a.m.

Keynote Address: Non-Alignment 2.0 and Multipolarity from Asian Middle Power Perspective

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal (Founder, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia)


9.45–10.45 a.m.

Indonesia’s Global Debut: Navigating the World Stage

  1. Evi Fitriani (Professor, International Relations Department, Universitas Indonesia)
  2. Dino Patti Djalal (Founder, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia)
  3. Dean Karelakas (Associate Research Fellow, University of Central Lancashire, Centre of Austronesian Studies)
  4. László Csicsmann (Full Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Corvinus Institute of Advanced Studies)
  5. Dinna Prapto Raharja (Executive Director, Synergy Policies)

Moderator: Klementina Kozma (Research Fellow, MCC)


10.45–11.15 a.m.

Coffee Break


11.15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

Building Bridges: The Role of Trade, Business and Investment in International Relations

  1. Akhmad Akbar Susamto (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta)
  2. George Iwan Marantika (National President of Indonesia-Australia Business, Council of Yogyakarta and Honorary Consul of Hungary in Yogyakarta)
  3. Ádám Sashalmi (Analyst, Hungarian Export Promotion Agency)
  4. Affabile Rifawan (Lecturer and Researcher, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran)
  5. Csongor Hunyár (Vice President and GM, PT Markija Berdaya Bersama)

Moderator: Csaba Moldicz (Head, School of International Relations, MCC)


12.15–1.45 p.m.

Lunch Break


1.45–2.45 p.m.

Growth and Transformation: Indonesia’s Economic Development from 2014 to 2024

  1. Aloysius Gunadi Brata (Professor of Development Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University; Researcher, MINDSET Institute)
  2. Boros Szilárd (Senior Analyst, Hungarian Export Promotion Agency)
  3. Péter Goreczky (Senior Analyst, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs)
  4. Géza Sebestyén (Head, Center for Economic Policy, MCC)
  5. Tamás Novák (Diplomat  for Science and Innovation, Consulate General of Hungary New York)

Moderator: Csaba Moldicz (Head, School of International Relations, MCC)


2.45–3.45 p.m.

Leading Southeast Asia: Indonesia and ASEAN

  1. Reza A. Maulana (President Director, PT. Digivla Indonesia; Deputy Head, Bilateral Committee of Indonesia - Hungary and Croatia)
  2. Péter Klemensits (Senior Research Fellow, Eurasia Center)
  3. Eric Hendriks-Kim (Research Fellow, Danube Institute)
  4. Muhadi Sugiono (Senior Lecturer, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

Moderator: Tamás Novák (Diplomat  for Science and Innovation, Consulate General of Hungary New York)


3.45–4.15 p.m. Coffee Break


4.15–5.15 p.m.

Student Panel: Indonesia and Hungary Through the Eyes of the Next Generation

  1. Klaudia Berta (MCC student)
  2. Csanád Medgyessi (MCC student)
  3. Júlia Petrozsényi (MCC student)
  4. Haekal Al Asyari (Ph.D. candidate, Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies, University of Debrecen)
  5. Rehulina Tarigan (Ph.D. candidate, Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies, University of Debrecen)

Moderator: Andor Tóth (MCC student)

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