Element settings
Egy egyedi, programok által használt név. Csak kisbetűt, számot és aláhúzást tartalmazhat.
Fájl beállítások
File upload destination
Select how the uploaded file previewed.Allowing anonymous users to preview files is dangerous.For more information see: DRUPAL-PSA-2016-003
MB (Max: 256 MB)
Separate extensions with a space and do not include the leading dot.Defaults to: gif jpg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html odf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml avi mov mp3 ogg wav bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit svg tar zip

Displays a help tooltip after the element's title.

The text displayed in help tooltip after the element's title.Defaults to the element's title

Displays a read more hide/show widget below the element's description.

The click-able label used to open and close more text.Defaults to: More
If set, this message will be used when an element's value are not unique, instead of the default "The value %value has already been submitted once for the %name element. You may have already submitted this webform, or you need to use a different value." message.
Conditional logic
Állapot HTML elem Trigger/Value Operations
of the following is met:
Wrapper CSS classes
HTML elem CSS classes

Apply classes to the element. Select 'custom…' to enter custom classes.

Egyetlen elem
Multiple items
Display CSS classes
The admin title will always be displayed when managing elements and viewing & downloading submissions.If an element's title is hidden, the element's admin title will be displayed when viewing a submission.