"The potential of the Indonesian economy in the light of the US-China rivalry. Foreign policy and economic dilemmas. - Az indonéz gazdaság lehetőségei az amerikai-kínai vetélkedés fényében Külpolitikai és gazdasági dilemmák"

"The potential of the Indonesian economy in the light of the US-China rivalry. Foreign policy and economic dilemmas. - Az indonéz gazdaság lehetőségei az amerikai-kínai vetélkedés fényében Külpolitikai és gazdasági dilemmák"

Indonesia’s economic and political roadmap

Economic forecasts increasingly point to the growing global economic relevance of Indonesia. Over the past decade, Indonesia has implemented complex economic reforms that have led to significant improvements in the Southeast Asian country’s economy. The remarkable economic growth has placed Indonesia among the middle-income countries and strengthened the country’s dominant economic role in Asia's rapidly developing economic world. As Asia's economic power increases, Indonesia's contribution is likely to play a key role in shaping regional and global economic dynamics. However, despite good economic indicators, Indonesia faces significant risks to avoid the middle-income trap. But given the rivalry between the US and China, what opportunities does Indonesia have to chart and implement its own economic course?

Date: September 20, 2024 17:00
Venue: Mathias Corvinus Collegium , 3-7. Tas vezér utca, Budapest 1113 (Hunyadi János Hall)


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